Foodservice Freefall Means Grocers Need to Prepare for Increased Demand

The restaurant industry has been devastated by the ongoing pandemic. From indoor dining restrictions to customers simply preferring to stay home, 2020 saw restaurants experience massive revenue loss while grocery demand boomed. As we enter 2021, consumers will likely continue to focus on preparing meals and dining at home, and grocery stores will likely have more opportunities to meet shoppers’ evolving needs.

According to a recent article in Progressive Grocer, grocery stores stand to further benefit from pandemic-based consumer behavior changes. Surveyed full-service restaurants experienced a 36% revenue decline in 2020, and 83% of these restaurants believe the first quarter of 2021 will be even worse for them. With fewer people dining at restaurants, the demands on grocery stores will persist, and shoppers will be looking for greater convenience, more options, and the best experience — both in-store and online.

Even if the surge in shopping might be leveling off as retail reports suggest, 2021 is poised to be a big year for grocery retailers. To meet this demand, grocers need to be ready for increased competition, especially from larger retailers. Technology can help in this battle, but the right retail solution involves more than just one piece of tech — grocery success in 2021 requires smart investment in solutions that meet shoppers’ needs and create a consistent shopper experience. 

Grocers, especially smaller specialty retailers, have a huge opportunity to fill the void left by restaurant closures and restricted hours and occupancy limits. Grocers should leverage specialty food programs, strong e-commerce, and online shopping and self-service options for in-store shopping. STCR has retail solutions to make it all happen easily.

STCR’s retail solutions give grocers all the tools needed to deliver excellence in service and products to shoppers and greater profits, and we back it all up so you can have peace of mind that your systems will work seamlessly. Learn more about how STCR can help take your store to the next level in 2021.