Want your Customers to Spend More? Embrace and Optimize Omnichannel

Today, many grocers know the importance of omnichannel shopping as a tool for delivering the best customer experience. But, beyond convenience, omnichannel has proven itself as a way to increase how much customers spend on their purchases, making a balance of in-store and online shopping a path to higher profits.

According to a recent report, omnichannel consumers spend up to 20% more than those who only shop in-store. But the report also notes that up to 50% of shoppers who try online shopping only do so once, then give it up in favor of in-store shopping. 

The key to retaining those customers is to grab their attention during the first few months of digital engagement. Shoppers who buy seven times during the first three months as online customers are three times more likely to keep shopping online long-term.

So, what keeps shoppers coming back to online and omnichannel shopping? A combination of solid fulfillment, personalized experiences, and shopping programs that deliver value to the customer. Online shoppers can be put off by a disconnection between what’s noted as available online and what actually ends up in their shopping bags at pick up or delivery. So, it’s crucial to have strong fulfillment strategies to avoid losing customer trust.

Stores can also use shopper data to deliver a curated experience with personalized offers and product suggestions, so shoppers experience more than just convenience when buying online. If they discover value at every turn, they are more likely to return and spend more.

Is your store considering adding an omnichannel shopping experience? Success begins with the strong foundation of a smart retail solution. STCR has the technology that makes in-store and online shopping seamless, consistent, and rewarding for customers. Learn more about our smart retail solutions, and get your store ready for more return shoppers.