Self-Checkout Teaches: Service + Technology = Happy Shoppers

Shoppers became very comfortable with self-checkouts over the past few years.

Much of this growth in acceptance came out of necessity, as consumers sought safer ways to shop during the pandemic. Innovations and a focus on service also increased the value that self-checkout systems provide retailers of all sizes. 

A year ago, one retail industry article called self-checkout ”love it or hate it” technology. However, the article also noted that customers enjoyed the faster shopping experience, and the rise of mobile technology meant more people are comfortable with do-it-yourself shopping. 

Fast forward to today, and shoppers are looking for speed, so they can get in and out of the store quickly. Standing in a long line waiting in for a cashier once was just considered an annoyance.

With the pandemic, the wait may have been seen as a health risk, too, further increasing the demand for a fast and contact-free way to checkout.

But this has taught an important lesson – retailers realized that self-checkout is not the same thing as service-free checkout. Customers want speed, but they also need a great shopping experience.

While the pandemic has increased the popularity of self-checkouts, the technology has also evolved. Continued innovation in self-checkout retail solutions include AI-assisted inventory management — such as a self-checkout scanner that identifies a produce item for maximum accuracy — and shrink prevention tools. Self-checkouts not only offer convenience and meet customer demand — they also help grocers run their stores more efficiently and make self-service more engaging. 

STCR helps grocers leverage technology so shoppers are happier and stores take advantage of every opportunity to maximize profits.  

Learn more about STCR’s self-checkout solutions and other retail innovations.